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24-Hour Answering Services

Customize Your Phone Services


Answering Services For Dealers

You can pick and choose your preferred service add-ons just like the perfect ice cream sundae to your company's tastes. Many dealers don't want to spend time answering phones in the office when they can be out selling new accounts or maintaining their existing ones.

You can have the most basic, all the way up to the most comprehensive service package to ensure peace of mind for you and your subscribers. Either way, AvantGuard strives to be the best wholesale alarm monitoring partner in the industry.


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To learn what our answering services can do for dealers

24-Hour Answering Services

Do you want to spend less time and money in the office? Let us answer your phone so you can be focused on growing your business. Get the following options:

  • Reception work - We answer the phone, get the issue and send it along
  • Send emails to appropriate departments
  • Text on-call technicians to have them schedule time with subscribers
  • Light tech support for subscribers (Turn off beeping, troubleshoot)