An alarm that is caused by an active fire alarm system that detects smoke, a significant rise in temperature or the effects of fire. a monitored fire alarm system notifies the occupants in a home or commercial space, notifies persons in the surrounding area, summons the fire service, and controls all the fire alarm components in a building. fire alarm systems include alarm devices, alarm notification devices, fire alarm control panels, fire annunciators, power supplies, and wiring.
The fire alarm control panel is the central computer or “brains” of a fire alarm system. every device on the security system reports back to the control panel with supervisory signals and alarm signals. an facp can be connected with a central monitoring station through several unique signal communication paths, reducing the chances of the signal being lost on the way to the central monitoring station.
When a fire starts, the installed detection system is designed to alert the occupants of a building and send a signal the central station where it is monitored. fire alarm monitoring is designed to remove the worry and human error from the people involved in the emergency scenario and deliver fire department help as quickly as possible.
A type of security system that contains a fire alarm control panel, alarm devices, alarm notification devices, fire alarm control panels, fire annunciators, power supplies, and wiring. most fire alarm systems must be designed and installed to the codes of the local jurisdiction because they are meant for life safety purposes.
What has since been renamed the electronic security association (esa), the nbfaa is the largest professional non-profit 501(c) 6 trade association in the united states. it exists to represent, promote and enhance the growth and professional development of the electronic life safety, security, and integrated systems industry.
AvantGuard Monitoring Centers, LLC. | P.O. Box 15022 | Ogden, UT 84415 | Office: (877) 206-9141 | Fax: (801) 781-6133