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AvantGuard's Industry Glossary

Call Verification

After an alarm signal is received in the central station, the operator makes several call verifications to investigate whether or not a received signal is due to a false alarm. the first call made is usually to the site where the alarm occurred. if the call is answered, the operator asks for a password from a pre-assigned person. if there the call goes unanswered, depending on local dispatch regulations, a call will be made to have police investigate the situation. if the local regulations require it, the operator will try several other phone numbers to try and reach someone. in some jurisdictions, operators are required to call at least two different phone numbers before requesting dispatch. this is called enhanced verification, and it has been found to significantly reduce false alarms.

Enhanced Call Verification

A form of alarm verification where a central station operator places two phone calls before requesting emergency dispatch services. ecv is quickly being adopted by jurisdictions across the country since it has proven to be an effective form of false alarm reduction and helps lower the costs that cities and states waste responding to false alarms.