The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is a private, nonprofit organization that works to serve as a third party rating system for businesses. It’s mission is: “To focus on advancing marketplace trust.” There are a total of 106 BBBs that are independently incorporated throughout the United States and Canada. Each of the independent organizations are coordinated under the Council of Better Business Bureaus (CBBB).
In order to differentiate itself from its competition, AvantGuard seeks to participate in as many third party review systems as possible. In fact, AvantGuard is the only major wholesale monitoring center that is accredited by the Better Business Bureau.
Members of the BBB receive ratings based on customer reviews including accolades and complaints. AvantGuard’s BBB page provides such information as when the formal business structure was established, its accreditation history, the type of entity it is registered as, and contact information for key business managers.
AvantGuard Monitoring Centers, LLC. | P.O. Box 15022 | Ogden, UT 84415 | Office: (877) 206-9141 | Fax: (801) 781-6133