When Doyle Security is fueled by a central station with the best customer service in the industry, a "We Care F.I.R.S.T" culture, a fully redundant infrastructure of multiple locations with state-of-the-art technology, your customers lives and property are truly protected, and your business thrives.
We Care F.I.R.S.T – This is the very essence of our corporate identity and culture. AG employees genuinely care! We care about the success of your business and the wellbeing of your customers.
At AG, it’s all about building strong relationships with our dealer partners. And the key to that is our refined hiring process, top-tier training and our commitment to growth and improvement. The results: a team that is ready and willing to provide the absolute best service to you and your customers.
We have three fully hot-redundant central stations. AG also provides you with a variety innovative technologies, all free of charge, that provide fast accurate dispatching, robust reporting, streamlined testing, valuable customer insights and much more.
Our technology supports business intelligence for monitoring operations, customer support, training, sales, marketing, accounting and end users/subscribers. You will appreciate the following:
Speak with Matthew Brandon
National Accounts, East
Phone: (770) 298-3074
Email: mbrandon@agmonitoring.com
Copyright © 2021 AvantGuard Monitoring, LLC