AG News

AG Heroes | Help! I've Fallen by the Pig Pen!

Written by AvantGuard | Feb 10, 2015 9:25:01 PM

Connelly Springs, NC–Late last month, in the little town of Connelly Springs, North Carolina, Anne was looking after her granddaughter Lora, when she unexpectedly fell outside her house. She was in extreme pain and found it difficult to move. She immediately pressed her PERS device to call for help.

Experienced AvantGuard operator, Daniel, took the call. "I've fallen outside near the pig pen!" cried Anne. Daniel asked where she was injured. Anne reported pain in her chest and hip. "I thought that she might be having a heart attack," remembers Daniel. He quickly assured her that help was on the way and quickly called dispatch.

Once Daniel was certain that help was on the way, he checked back with Anne. She was still in pain but her mind was on a different matter. She frantically stated that her granddaughter Lora, was still inside the house. Anne wanted to make sure Lora wouldn't be left alone if she were carried away by ambulance. Daniel tried calling the home to contact the 8-year-old girl with no answer. He promptly called dispatch back and made sure that they would check on Lora. Daniel stayed on the line with Anne until paramedics arrived.

Fortunately after 4 days in the hospital, Anne was able to return home. She is eternally grateful to Daniel's response and for the dealer who provided her PERS device, which cares for her and her family, whenever and wherever needed.