AG News

AG Heroes | Burglar Thwarted: Mother & Children Safe

Written by AvantGuard | Aug 11, 2014 4:26:22 AM

On a summer night in mid July, Tami, a single mother and her two young children were asleep in bed when their burglar alarm sounded. Instinctively, Tami grabbed her children and quickly decided to hide with them in the bathroom. Within seconds of receiving the alarm signal, AvantGuard team member, Caitlin, called Tami and heard a frantic plea to dispatch police. After calling police and relaying important critical details, Caitlin notified Tami's mother of the situation. To ensure her safety, Caitlin made sure her mother knew that they should wait until the officers were on site before entering the home.

Tami later discovered that the spare bedroom window was unlatched. She was relieved to know that whoever had been trying to enter her home through this empty bedroom was stopped. 

Caitlin demonstrated great service to Tami that night, and her immediate response ensured that a frightened mother and her children knew they were not alone and that help was on the way. Caitlin become an AG Hero who calmly handled the situation and made sure everybody stayed safe! 

It's the HEROES like Caitlin who work at AvantGuard Monitoring Centers that set us apart from any other Central Station. We have 2 fully redundant UL Listed central stations and continue to create and invest in the technology and capability that ensures alarm signals will never be lost.